1. Glutine/Gluten |
cereali, grano, segale, orzo, avena, farro, kamut, inclusi ibridati e derivati cereals, wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, including hybrids and derivatives |
2. Sesamo e derivati/Sesame |
oltre ai semi interi usati per il pane, possiamo trovare tracce in alcuni tipi di farine in addition to whole seeds used for bread, we can find traces in some types of flours |
3. Frutta a guscio e derivati/Nuts |
tutti i prodotti che includono: mandorle, nocciole, noci comuni, noci di acagiù, noci pecan e del Brasile e Queensland, pistacchi all products that include: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans and Brazil and Queensland nuts, pistachios |
4. Crostacei e derivati/Crustacean |
sia quelli marini che d’acqua dolce: gamberi, scampi, aragoste, granchi, paguri e simili both marine and freshwater ones: shrimps, scampi, lobsters, crabs, hermit crabs and the like |
5. Uova e derivati/Eggs |
tutti i prodotti composti con uova, anche in parte minima. Tra le più comuni: maionese, frittata, emulsionanti, pasta all’uovo, biscotti e torte anche salate, gelati e creme ecc. all products made with eggs, even in a minimal part. Among the most common: mayonnaise, omelette, emulsifiers, egg pasta, cookies and cakes, even savory ones, ice creams and creams, etc. |
6. Pesce e derivati/Fish |
inclusi i derivati, cioè tutti quei prodotti alimentari che si compongono di pesce, anche se in piccole percentuali including derivatives, i.e., all food products that are composed of fish, even if in small percentages |
7. Senape e derivati/Mustard |
si può trovare nelle salse e nei condimenti, specie nella mostarda it can be found in sauces and condiments, especially in mustard |
8. Latte e derivati/Milk |
yogurt, biscotti e torte, gelato e creme varie. Ogni prodotto in cui viene usato il latte yogurt, cookies and cakes, ice cream and various creams. Every product in which milk is used |
9. Sedano e derivati/Celery |
presente in pezzi ma pure all’interno di preparati per zuppe, salse e concentrati vegetali present in pieces as well as in preparations for soups, sauces and vegetable concentrates |
10. Arachidi e derivati/Peanuts |
snack confezionati, creme e condimenti in cui vi sia anche in piccole dosi packaged snacks, creams and condiments in which there is also in small doses |
11. Soia e derivati/Soya |
latte, tofu, spaghetti, etc. milk, tofu, noodles, etc. |
12. Molluschi e derivati/Shellfish |
canestrello, cannolicchio, capasanta, cuore, dattero di mare, fasolaro, garagolo, lumachino, cozza, murice, ostrica, patella, tartufo di mare, tellina e vongola etc. canestrello, cannolicchio, scallop, heart, date of the sea, fasolaro, garagolo, snail, mussel, murice, oyster, limpet, sea truffle, tellina and clam etc. |
13. Lupino e derivati/Lupins |
presente ormai in molti cibi vegan, sotto forma di arrosti, salamini, farine e similari che hanno come base questo legume, ricco di proteine now present in many vegan foods, in the form of roasted meats, sausages, flours and similar that have as their base this legume, rich in protein |
14. Solfiti/Sulphite |
usati come conservanti, possiamo trovarli in: conserve di prodotti ittici, in cibi sott’aceto, sott’olio e in salamoia, nelle marmellate, nell’aceto, nei funghi secchi e nelle bibite analcoliche e succhi di frutta used as preservatives, we can find them in: canned fish products, in pickled food, in oil and brine, in jams, in vinegar, in dried mushrooms and in soft drinks and fruit juices |